Shiki Facts

Shiki Seafood 101: Hokkaido Hand Dive Scallops

Our live Hokkaido scallops are the finest Japan has to offer. They are hand picked from Hokkaido's seas where the water is freezing cold and rich in nutrients. Freshly caught Hokkaido scallops are extremely sweet and melt in your mouth.

Premium Sashimi Grade Scallop from Hokkaido!

Our Sashimi Grade Scallops are Hand dived and handpicked off the seas of Hokkaido where the water is freezing cold but rich in minerals and nutrients. Hokkaido is the treasure throve for the worlds scallops, most of the worlds scallops come from Hokkaido and are exported out. 

Hokkaido Scallops are one of the finest and freshest scallops found in Japan and throughout the world. Our Scallops are extremely tasty and also easy to eat, they are soft, tender, sweet and very creamy. As they are all IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) they can be eaten right away whenever you have the craving for them! Our scallops are “Medium to Large size” each weighing about 25-30g each with the largest “Extra Large” ones being almost 50g per piece.

Our scallops are perfect raw with wasabi, lightly seared with butter and lime, or even fully cooked in stews and porridges. 

We bring in Frozen IQF, Fresh without shell and Live with shell Scallops

Our live Hokkaido scallops the finest Japan has to offer. They are handpicked off the seas of Hokkaido, where the water is freezing cold and rich in nutrients. Our freshly caught Hokkaido scallops are a real treat and are ready to eat once delivered! Our chefs in Japan expertly de-shell, clean and prepare the scallops before sending them over to us. Live Hotate

To Defrost / To Store

    1. Leave in the fridge for 24 hours OR
    2. Leave under running water for 30min
    3. Do Not re-freeze after it has thawed and defrosted.
    4. Once defrosted, keep refrigerated and consume within 5 days.


北海道野付沖で育ったほたては美味しさ抜群、そして驚くほどの大きさです! 鮮度を保った状態でお届けできるように、産地で水揚げしたばかりの生きたほたてから身を取りはずし、貝柱のみを取り出して急速冷凍しています。 お刺身でお召し上がりいただくのはもちろん、マリネやバター焼きなど様々なお料理でもとても美味しくお召し上がりいただけます!

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